Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Sad Day For Me.....

I am near tears. I had to watch my hubby take down two huge Ficus trees.....that's right.......the kind you grow in the house, that were killed by the freeze we had here. These beautiful things were right out side the bedroom windows. They were about 30 feet tall and about 4 foot around, with multi trunks. I loved looking out at them every morning and the doves and other birds perched in them too. The birds were my alarm clock. About 7a.m. they would get started cooing and chirping. I will miss their sweet sound so much. I have had the blinds closed all day.....I can't stand to see the poor stumps that are left.

1 comment:

  1. Tell your hubby to hurry and plant the same trees again in the same spot. Surely they will grow enough by next Spring that your birds will return.
